Donate to Uzma Bibi for Her Tonsillectomy
Uzma Bibi's Story
Uzma Bibi, 10 years old, is suffering from chronic inflammation and infection of her tonsils, a condition known as chronic tonsillitis. With the passage of time, she has started to experience repeated attack of symptoms including fever, pain in throat and difficulty in swallowing food. Uzma needs to undergo surgical removal of the tonsils, or a tonsillectomy, as a permanent solution but her parents cannot afford the cost of her surgery.
Apart from Uzma, her parents have 8 other family members to support on a monthly earning of just 15,000 PKR. For many months now, they have struggled to get her treated at local hospitals but no one is willing to accommodate them.
“Uzma’s repeated episodes of fever had started to worry us a lot so we tried out best to contact all the resources we came to know of. But despite it being a simple operation, no one helped us.” – Uzma’s mother
As a last resort, Uzma and her parents came to us for help. Uzma’s case has been registered for surgery at Transparent Hands because we believe that she deserves to get healthy. If you are with us, please donate to her today!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Uzma Bibi's Story
Uzma Bibi, 10 years old, suffered from recurrent sore throat and was diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis. She was advised a tonsillectomy surgery and, for this reason, was admitted in Ahmed Medical Complex. The procedure was performed by Dr. Syed Mudassir Shah on 01.10.2020. Uzma’s inflamed tonsils were removed. She stayed in the hospital for two days and was discharged in a satisfactory condition. She feels much better after the surgery.
“My throat hurt really badly when I ate something. Now, the doctor says I can eat whatever I want after a few weeks!”- exclaims Uzma with joy