Donate to Zainab Afzaal for Her Colostomy Closure

Donate to Zainab Afzaal for Her Colostomy Closure

Zakat Eligible Zainab Afzaal Colostomy Closure
100% Complete (success)
$ 574.38 Required
$ 574.38 Raised
0 Remaining

Zainab Afzaal's Story

Zainab Afzaal, 8 years old, was born with a rectovestibular fistula, a type of congenital anorectal disorder. Her first surgery, a colostomy, was done a few days after her birth. Later on, the family contacted several hospitals for her ASARP surgery but were stalled. They then contacted Transparent Hands and were able to get Zainab’s ASARP surgery done for free. Now, she is ready for the final surgery- a colostomy closure.

“We don’t know what we would have done without the help of Transparent Hands. We did not have any resources to have come this far in her treatment. It was only through the generous aid of all the donors that my daughter was able to get her congenital defect corrected. Now, she is only one step away from a completely normal life and I know that we will be able to find that help at Transparent Hands once again.” – Zainab’s father, Muhammad Afzaal

Zainab’s father, Muhammad Afzaal, is a laborer who earns 15,000 PKR a month. He has to single-handedly support 12 family members on his income and cannot afford the medical expenses of her daughter’s surgery. Once again, he has approached Transparent Hands for help.

Your donations can carry Zainab through the final step to recovery.

Please come to her aid.

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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

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Donated: $ 574.38

Zainab Afzaal's Story

Zainab Afzaal, 8 years old, was suffering from anorectal malformation (ARM) resulting in abnormal communication between the rectum and genital tract. Her colostomy was done 1 year ago to make a temporary passage for stool and she was advised surgeries to construct her back passage and close the colostomy later on. Her back passage was constructed about 3 months ago through Transparent Hands and now she came for her colostomy closure. Her surgery was done at Akram Medical Complex, on 27-02-20, by Dr Naveed Haider. She stayed for 3 days in the hospital with good post-operative recovery and was discharged in good health.


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