Help Muhammad Shafique Walk Again

Help Muhammad Shafique Walk Again

Zakat Eligible Shafique
100% Complete (success)
$ 277.08 Required
$ 277.08 Raised
0 Remaining

Muhammad Shafique's Story

Muhammad Shafique, a resilient 55-year-old man from Lahore, has faced numerous challenges in his battle with diabetes. A year ago, he found himself at high risk, ultimately leading to the amputation of his right leg due to infectious complications. Since then, he has been desperately in need of a below-knee prosthesis to regain his mobility and independence. However, the financial burden has left him unable to afford the much-needed artificial limb.

Shafique lives with his wife and two children in a rented house in Lahore. Shafique’s life took an unexpected turn when his disability rendered him unable to continue working as a ward attendant in a hospital. With no means of employment, the monthly stipend of PKR 18,000 provided by the hospital became his family’s sole source of income. However, this amount barely covers their basic needs, including PKR 10,000 for house rent and PKR 3,000 for utility bills.

Shafique’s family relies heavily on the support of compassionate neighbors and relatives to make ends meet. The financial crisis has made it nearly impossible for Shafique to afford the right below-knee prosthesis, a lifeline that could restore his independence and improve his quality of life.

Shafique humbly appeals for financial support, saying, “I long to walk again and regain my independence. With your generous contributions, I can have the chance to rebuild my life and support my family.”

In his pursuit of hope, Shafique turned to Transparent Hands. By submitting the necessary documents, Shafique registered his case, placing his hopes in the hands of compassionate individuals like you. Together, let us rally behind Shafique’s cause and help him take his first steps towards a brighter future.

By contributing to Shafique’s cause, you can change his life and restore hope to his family. Your generous donations will directly cover the cost of the below-knee prosthesis, ensuring that Shafique can once again walk with confidence and dignity.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Sujit jagdev

Donated: $ 130.07

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 100

 Hope Rehabilitation Center

Donated: $ 47.02

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