Support Bibi Hajeroon’s Total Knee Replacement
Bibi Hajeroon 's Story
Bibi Hajeroon is not able to look after her family, and it really breaks her heart. She is struggling to cope with the pain. Her knee and leg stiffen, making it more painful and difficult for her to do various household chores. She is waiting for a generous donor like you to help her relieve the pain. We urge you to support Bibi Hajeroon’s Total Knee Replacement and ease her suffering.
Bibi Hajeroon, a 67-year-old resident of Mardan, has been suffering from right knee pain and swelling for the last six years. Her husband took her to the local hospital, and the doctor just prescribed symptomatic treatment. With the passage of time, the pain and swelling in her knee increased. The doctor ran some diagnostic tests and evaluated them. The doctor diagnosed her with osteoarthritis. Knee OA is the result of articular cartilage degeneration without any known cause. This is typically thought of as degeneration due to age as well as wear and tear. After the diagnosis, she was advised to undergo a right Total Knee Replacement. Total Knee Replacement surgery (TKR) is a complex procedure in which effective joint surfaces are replaced with artificial joints.
Bibi Hajeroon lives in a small house with her husband and eight other family members. She is financially dependent on her son, who is a daily wager, earning PKR 36,000 per month. It is difficult for her son to feed a big family with this meager income. Therefore, he cannot pay the surgical expenses. Bibi Hajeroon said in despair:
“The pain and swelling in my knee are disturbing my sleep and making me depressed and anxious. I am waiting for a generous donor like you to help me with the treatment to become active again.”
After a lot of distress and with the help of her doctor, Bibi Hajeroon has registered her case with Transparent Hands. We are determined to put her on the path to good health as soon as we can. But it won’t be possible without your help. Your support can get Bibi Hajeroon back on her feet. We request that you please donate generously and support Bibi Hajeroon’s Total Knee Replacement and help her walk without pain. Donate today with a big heart.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.