Support Zohran Regain Her Sight

Support Zohran Regain Her Sight

Zakat Eligible Zohran mukhtar pre image
100% Complete (success)
$ 102.09 Required
$ 102.09 Raised
0 Remaining

Zohran Mukhtar's Story

Zohran Mukhtar, a 62-year-old from Lahore, is grappling with a life-altering condition: cataracts in her right eye have drastically reduced her vision, complicating everyday tasks. Doctors recommend Right Phaco and IOL surgery to potentially restore her sight and independence.

Financial hardships compound Zohran’s health issues. Her family, including her husband and four children, live in a rented house in Lahore and depend on her son’s modest income of PKR 30,000 per month. With family’s budget is stretched dangerously thin with monthly expenses such as rent of PKR 5,000, utility bills of PKR 3,000, school fees of PKR 4,000, and a PKR 130,000 loan repayment. Her husband’s unemployment exacerbates their situation, placing the financial responsibility squarely on her son’s shoulders. This strain has made it impossible for Zohran to afford the necessary surgery.

Zohran expresses her plight with urgency: “Your support can illuminate my world, bringing back the vibrant colors I’ve missed. It can restore my vision, allowing me to care for my family again. With your help, I can experience the joys of life and look forward to a hopeful future.”

Zohran contacted Transparent Hands for financial help. We urge the community to support Zohran in her quest to regain her sight. Each donation, no matter its size, can significantly impact her life and her family’s well-being. Together, we can help lift Zohran from the darkness of her condition into a brighter, more secure future.

Your contributions will serve as a beacon of hope for Zohran, enabling her to see clearly and regain her place within her family and community. Join us in this vital mission to restore Zohran’s vision and renew her life. Your generosity can change her world, proving that together, we can bring about meaningful change and restore the promise of a better tomorrow.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 102.09

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