Transform Andar’s life with Gift of Mobility

Transform Andar’s life with Gift of Mobility

Andar Yas pre image
100% Complete (success)
$ 826.91 Required
$ 826.91 Raised
0 Remaining

Andar Yas's Story

Join us in transforming the life of Andar Yas, a 44-year-old resident of Karachi, Pakistan. Andar has been living with diabetes for many years, and unfortunately, he faced a severe complication five years ago when he had to undergo a leg amputation. Since then, his mobility has been severely impaired, limiting his ability to lead a normal life. To improve his quality of life, Andar’s doctor has prescribed a hip disarticulation prosthesis (HDP). However, with a limited income and the financial burdens of supporting his wife and three children in a rented house, Andar is unable to afford the cost of the hip prosthesis. He has reached out to Transparent Hands, and we are seeking the support of generous donors to help him regain his independence and mobility.

Andar’s journey has been marked by immense challenges and hardships. The complications arising from his diabetic condition led to the development of gangrene in his entire left leg, necessitating a left hip disarticulation surgery four years ago. This procedure was a crucial step in saving his life, but it left him without a limb. The absence of a functional leg has significantly impacted his ability to work, support his family, and enjoy a fulfilling life with his loved ones. Despite his resilience and determination, the financial burden associated with acquiring a hip disarticulation prosthesis is beyond his means.

He said with teary eyes:

“The loss of my leg was a devastating blow to my life. I have faced unimaginable challenges and struggled to provide for my family. But with your support, I believe that I can rise above these hardships. Your contribution will not only provide me with a hip prosthesis but also restore my hope and belief in a brighter future.”

Transparent Hands has been a beacon of hope for individuals like Andar Yas who are in dire need of medical assistance. Through their tireless efforts, they have transformed the lives of countless individuals, providing them with access to life-changing medical interventions. Andar’s case is no exception. By contributing to his campaign, you can help him acquire the hip disarticulation prosthesis that will restore his mobility and independence and enable him to actively participate in the lives of his family.

Together, we can make a tangible and lasting impact on Andar’s life. Your generous donation, regardless of its size, can be the catalyst for his transformation and reintegration into society. Join us in our mission to ensure that no one is left behind due to financial limitations, donate to deserving patients.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Uzma Shariff

Donated: $ 658.88

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 100


Donated: $ 50


Donated: $ 18.03

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