Fayyaz is pain-free after the successful removal of kidney stones

Fayyaz is pain-free after the successful removal of kidney stones

Fayyaz Ahmed

Fayyaz Ahmed's Story

Fayyaz Ahmed, 27 years of age, was suffering from right loin pain due to renal stones for the last few months. He was advised surgery to get rid of the stones and relieve his pain. His surgery was done at Noor Medicare Hospital, Rawalpindi, by Dr. Faisal Zaeem, on 24-02-20. His right pyelolithotomy was done and stones were retrieved. Fayyaz stayed for two days in the hospital. His recovery was complete and he was discharged symptom-free.



Donated: £ 310

 Tariq Ali Cheema

Donated: £ 270.48

 tariq qureshi

Donated: £ 38.75


Donated: £ 25

 AVM Azam (Retd)

Donated: £ 25

 Saad Shamsi

Donated: £ 15.50

 Romaisa Malik

Donated: £ 5

 Qirsa Rasheed

Donated: £ 0.50

 Rameeza Moin

Donated: £ 0.38

Total Funds

£ 690.61

Funds Raised

£ 690.61
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
£ 690.61 Raised

Successfully Operated

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