He is feeling happy and independent after getting new functional artificial hand
Kashif Shahzad's Story
Kashif Shehzad 20 years of age had crush injury on his Rt. Hand while working on a heavy machine in a packaging factory. He was immediately taken to a local hospital where his Rt hand amputation was done at below elbow level. He recovered well but was depressed to loose his valuable Rt hand which he needed to work with. He was not even able to perform his day to day activities. He was advised to wear artificial hand. His functional artificial hand was arranged from HOPE rehabilitation center by Transparent Hands and applied on 25-10-18. He is feeling happy and independent in his working. He started a new job as well.
Donated: $ 374.20
Sarah Qureshi
Donated: $ 22
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 0.03