Muhammad Urwa Underwent Successful Cataract Surgery
Muhammad Urwa's Story
Muhammad Urwa, an 8-year-old resident of Multan, had been facing a challenging battle against cataracts in his left eye. This condition caused him serious shortsightedness and discomfort, necessitating a second eye surgery. Three years ago, he underwent surgery for a cataract in his right eye, but the persisting discomfort led the doctor to recommend a second surgery for Lense Matter Apiration (LMA) and Intra-ocular Lense (IOL) placent to correct his vision.
Muhammad Urwa’s father, a devoted teacher at a seminary, earned a modest income of 20,000 PKR per month. Living in challenging circumstances, affording the surgical expenses for Muhammad Urwa became a heavy burden for his father. Fortunately, Transparent Hands took up his case, offering hope and support.
With the generous support of donors, Muhammad Urwa was admitted to Bakhtawar Amin Memorial Teaching Hospital in Multan. On April 6, 2024, Dr. Asif Manzoor, a skilled ophthalmologist, successfully performed the surgery. Following the procedure, Muhammad Urwa received one day of post-operative care and was subsequently discharged from the hospital.
Muhammad Urwa expresses his heartfelt gratitude to the donors of Transparent Hands, whose selfless contributions played a vital role in his journey to regain his vision. Their generosity not only enabled the necessary medical procedure but also relieved the financial burden associated with quality eye care. Thanks to their kindness and support, what could have been a challenging time for Muhammad Urwa became a moment of clarity and renewed hope.
With his vision fully restored, Muhammad Urwa deeply appreciates the profound impact of Transparent Hands’ donors on his journey to regain his sight. Their selflessness has left a lasting impression, allowing him to embrace the beauty of life with gratitude and a newfound sense of vision. Each day, he marvels at the world around him, thanks to the generosity and compassion of these donors. From darkness to clarity, Muhammad Urwa’s vision paves the way for a future filled with limitless possibilities.
Donated: £ 164.12
Bakhtawar Amin Memorial Trust Hospital
Donated: £ 55.98