Naseem Akhtar Found Relief Through Cholecystectomy
Naseem Akhtar's Story
Naseem Akhtar, a 36-year-old woman from Lahore, had been suffering from upper abdominal pain for four months. She also faced repeated bouts of nausea, vomiting, and indigestion from fatty meals. Despite receiving symptomatic treatment, her condition worsened over time. Sometimes, her condition confined her to bed and she couldn’t even take care of her children. Later, she decided to consult a specialist. After performing lab tests and an ultrasound scan, the doctor diagnosed her with symptomatic gallstones. To alleviate her pain, the doctor advised open cholecystectomy. However, the surgical cost was overwhelming for her family.
Naseem lived in a small rented house with her husband and three children. Her husband, the sole breadwinner in the family, worked as a daily wage laborer and earned just PKR 30,000 per month. With this insufficient monthly income, it was extremely challenging for them to pay the house rent in addition to the utility bills and groceries. The financial strain of the surgery weighed heavily on them and they were unable to afford the surgery. During this time of need, Naseem turned to Transparent Hands and asked us for help. After knowing about her situation, we registered her case.
On 27th August 2024, Naseem was admitted to Lahore Care Hospital. The surgery was scheduled for the same day. Dr. Ahmed Fawad skillfully performed her open cholecystectomy and gave Naseem new hope in life. After surgery, Naseem stayed in the hospital for three days and received post-operative care and essential medications. On 29th August 2024, Naseem was discharged in stable condition from the hospital.
Naseem was overjoyed and said with teary eyes:
“I can’t describe how good I am feeling now. It’s like a heavy burden has been lifted. I am recovering and feeling energetic now. I am immensely thankful to you for supporting me when I was left without any options. You have changed my life.”
After the successful surgery, Naseem is hopeful. You empowered her and filled her home with happiness.
Naseem and her family are incredibly grateful to you for making a considerable difference in her life
Donated: $ 265.75
Sam B
Donated: $ 60.74
Donated: $ 50
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 0.01