Nayyer Sultana is grateful to you for your donations. Her sphincterotomy went well!
Nayyer Sultana's Story
48-year-old Nayyer Sultana was diagnosed with chronic posterior anal fissure. She was advised a sphincterotomy for this condition and was admitted in Lahore Care hospital. The surgery was performed by Dr. Ahmad Fawad on 02.10.2020. Nayyer stayed in the hospital for two days and was discharged in a stable condition. Her surgery went well. She has recovered quickly and has returned back to her daily routine soon after her surgery.
“I am so glad that the discomfort has ended. The doctor says that I will heal in a very brief amount of time and will be able to work like I used to.”– Nayyer Sultana
Sujit jagdev
Donated: $ 307
Nasheela Khan
Donated: $ 100
Launch Good
Donated: $ 68.07