Thank you for saving the life of this little baby

Thank you for saving the life of this little baby

Ayesha Allah Ditta's Story

Ayesha Allahditta 2 years old child was experiencing shortness of breath while weeping and failure to gain weight. She was diagnosed with Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD). She was advised open heart surgery to close the defect. Her surgery was done in Ittefaq Hospital on 17-01-17 by Dr Salman A Shah. She had good post op recovery and remained admitted for 5 days. She was discharged in satisfactory condition.

 Packages Foundation

Donated: £ 1,400


Donated: £ 875

 Fawad Ikram

Donated: £ 25

Total Funds

£ 2,300

Funds Raised

£ 2,300
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
£ 2,300 Raised

Successfully Operated

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