Your donations have created a huge impact in his life

Your donations have created a huge impact in his life

Muhammad Bilal's Story

Muhammad Bilal 03 years old boy was suffering from Rt. undescended testis. His parents were concerned about this issue since his birth. He was advised surgery to correct its position. His Rt. Orchidopexy was done and missing testicle was fixed into his scrotum. The surgery was done in Akram Medical Complex on 10-01-18 by Dr. Naveed Haider. He stayed for two days postoperatively and was discharged in satisfactory condition.

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 405.65


Donated: $ 45.20

 Abeera Wahaj

Donated: $ 10.02

 TH EmergencyFund

Donated: $ 7.53


Donated: $ 2.71


Donated: $ 2

Total Funds

$ 473.12

Funds Raised

$ 473.12
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 473.12 Raised

Successfully Operated

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