All You Need to Know About Gift Aid UK

All You Need to Know About Gift Aid UK

Gift Aid UK

Gift Aid UK: An Introduction

Under the Gift Aid UK scheme, charities based in the UK can claim 25% extra from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) on every donation they receive from a donor who is a taxpayer in the UK. Realizing the importance of charity in the current times, governments worldwide are now introducing and implementing schemes that aid and facilitate charitable organizations. Gift Aid is one such scheme.

Transparent Hands UK is a Gift Aid nonprofit organization registered in the UK. As one of the largest online crowdfunding platform in the healthcare sector, Transparent Hands raises funds to make quality healthcare accessible free of charge.

Benefits to Donors 

Donors can increase the value of their donations by 25% through the Gift Aid scheme. If you give 1000 pounds through this scheme, the charity will receive 1250 pounds. 

Read More:

What Is Gift Aid and How It Works?

Make Sure Your Donation is Gift Aid Eligible!

Most of the top UK-based charities collect Gift Aid eligible donations. However, it is always a good idea to make sure your donation is eligible for the Gift Aid scheme before you donate. 

What About People Living Outside the UK?

For those kind-hearted souls who are donating to a charity in the UK but are not listed as UK taxpayers, the Gift Aid scheme will not be applicable. If you are such a donor, check if a similar scheme is available in your country. If not, you are still helping someone, and that’s all that really matters.

What About UK Taxpayers Living Abroad?

It is pertinent to mention here that the place of residence has no impact on the eligibility of a Gift Aid donation. The donation will be eligible for this scheme if the donor is an established UK taxpayer. 

When Shouldn’t You Claim Gift Aid?

There are certain times when a donor cannot take advantage of the Gift Aid scheme. We are going to list some of these instances:

1- Donating in return for something, for example, tickets to raffles, events, and certain auctions. The Gift Aid scheme won’t be applicable if the donor is getting something in return for this donation. 

2- Donating on behalf of someone. 

3- Donations made on behalf of a company. Corporate organizations benefit from this scheme when they donate directly to a particular cause supported by a charity. Individual donations must be made only on a person’s taxpayer status.

Charity in 2024

All around the world, underprivileged communities are suffering due to pandemics, wars, and crises. During times like these, we must join hands to help each other. And that means you need to play your part too! If you are thinking about donating in the coming weeks or months, consider doing so through the Gift Aid scheme. Many charitable organizations benefit from this scheme. Planning to help underprivileged patients who cannot pay for their treatments? Transparent Hands can connect you with the most deserving patients.

Online Fundraising Platforms in the UK

Transparent Hands UK

Consider increasing your donations through the Gift Aid scheme when you donate to Transparent Hands UK. The donations raised through this unique crowdfunding platform are utilized to provide free healthcare services to disadvantaged patients. These healthcare services include free medical and surgical treatments, free medical camps, and preventive healthcare sessions on different health issues and challenge prevalent in Pakistan. Donors from all around the world donate to the different causes and campaigns listed on the Transparent Hands website

Final Thoughts

We hope your knowledge of the Gift Aid scheme in the UK has increased significantly after reading this article. It benefits both donors and charities. Just make sure your donations are Gift Aid eligible. Leverage Gift Aid today to contribute to the welfare of disadvantaged people!

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