Help us keep Raza’s heart beating
Raza Hassan's Story
Raza Hassan suffering from multiple congenital cardiac defects. His parents cannot understand the complexities of their child’s disease, but all they know is that they might lose their child. They are not in a financial position to save their son, but you can. Please come forward and save this little boy’s life. Your donation will help us keep Raza’s heart beating.
Two-year-old Raza Hassan, a resident of Multan, has been suffering from cyanosis, and shortness of breath since birth. His parents noticed his condition and took him for a consultation. Upon consultation, he was diagnosed with Transposition of Great Arteries, Ventricular Septal Defect with Pulmonary Stenosis. Dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries or d-TGA is a birth defect of the heart in which the two main arteries carrying blood out of the heart – the main pulmonary artery and the aorta – are switched in position, or “transposed.” The cardiologist has advised an Open Heart Surgery with BT Shunt placement for Raza to improve cardiac function. Unfortunately, Raza’s family is in no position to pay for this procedure due to financial constraints.
Raza’s father works at a petrol pump and earns just PKR 10,000 a month. He supports a family of four with this meager income. It is impossible for them to pay for their son’s expensive procedure. Raza’s mother shared her distress with us in the following words:
“Raza is my only son and the youngest. I cannot bear the thought of losing my son to this heart disease. If you are reading this, please help us!”
Raza’s family found out about Transparent Hands and we have registered his case. We will do everything to help this little boy, but this will not be possible without your generosity and donations. You can save his life. Please help us keep Raza’s heart beating.
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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Raza Hassan's Story
Two-year-old Raza Hassan, a resident of Multan, had been enduring chest tightness and weakness since birth. Upon consultation, he was diagnosed with Transposition of Great Arteries, Ventricular Septal Defect with Pulmonary Stenosis. The cardiologist has advised Open-Heart Surgery with BT Shunt placement to improve cardiac function. His parents could not afford the procedure so they contacted Transparent Hands for help. With your contributions and the help of the Pakistan Children’s Heart Foundation, we were able to provide him with the treatment he needed. Raza Hassan was admitted to Ittefaq Hospital, Lahore, and got his open-heart surgery done by Dr. Muhammad Asim Khan on 01-06-2022 successfully. Raza was discharged five days later in satisfactory condition. Raza Hassan is feeling much better now. You saved his heart.