Restore Urwa’s Hearing

Restore Urwa’s Hearing

Zakat Eligible Urwa pre image
100% Complete (success)
$ 10,685.31 Required
$ 10,685.31 Raised
0 Remaining

Urwa Bibi's Story

Urwa, a 5-year-old resident of Dera Ismail Khan, has been living with hearing loss since birth. This condition has presented numerous challenges for her and her family. Despite their best efforts, Urwa’s parents were unable to afford the hearing device recommended by the doctor when they first discovered her condition at the age of one. Now, the doctor has advised a cochlear implant as the best course of action to restore Urwa’s hearing. However, the family’s financial limitations make it impossible for them to cover the surgical expenses.

Urwa has faced the hardships of hearing loss since her early years. When her parents became aware of her condition at the age of one, they sought medical attention at the nearest hospital. After undergoing diagnostic tests, the doctor recommended a hearing device to assist her with her hearing. Unfortunately, the financial burden proved insurmountable for her family, preventing them from providing the necessary support.

As Urwa has grown older, her need for a solution to her hearing impairment has become increasingly urgent. Understanding the limitations of her current situation, the doctor has now advised a cochlear implant as the most suitable option for her. This surgical procedure offers the potential to restore her hearing and provide her with the ability to engage fully with the world around her.

Urwa’s family resides in their own house and relies solely on the income of her father, who is the sole earner. With no other sources of income, the financial strain is overwhelming, making it impossible for them to afford the surgical expenses for Urwa’s cochlear implant.

Urwa’s parents share their heartfelt plea:

“Our precious daughter Urwa has been deprived of the gift of hearing since birth. It breaks our hearts to see her struggle to communicate and experience the world around her. We desperately seek your support in providing her with the cochlear implant surgery she needs.”

Transparent Hands has taken note of Urwa’s situation and is committed to helping her receive the necessary surgical intervention. However, we cannot achieve this without your compassionate support. Your donation will not only restore her hearing but also pave the way for a brighter future, where she can fully engage with the world and reach her full potential. Together, let us bring the joy of hearing back into Urwa’s life.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


Donated: $ 8,506.62

 saima ali majid

Donated: $ 608.89

 Fakhar Islam and Nusrat Fakhar

Donated: $ 484.66

 Muhammad Nauman

Donated: $ 250

 Affan Dar

Donated: $ 197.96

 Ayesha Qureshi

Donated: $ 126.19

 Amnah Dasti

Donated: $ 120

 Muniba Naqi

Donated: $ 100


Donated: $ 75

 Nadir Tayyab

Donated: $ 50

 Hassan E Gafri

Donated: $ 50

 Amir Mahmud

Donated: $ 36.25


Donated: $ 30

 Muhammad Umar

Donated: $ 20


Donated: $ 20

 Manal Maan

Donated: $ 5

 Haseeb Mansoor

Donated: $ 2

 Qirsa Rasheed

Donated: $ 1.26


Donated: $ 0.73

 Syed Abdullah

Donated: $ 0.73


Donated: $ 0.04

Urwa Bibi's Story

Urwa, a vibrant 5-year-old from Dera Ismail Khan, embarked on a journey shrouded in silence from the moment she came into the world. From her earliest days, her parents grappled with the challenges presented by her hearing impairment, unable to afford the hearing device recommended by the doctor when it was first diagnosed at the tender age of one.

Amidst the trials of their circumstances, Transparent Hands emerged as a guiding light, offering a lifeline to Urwa and her family. Despite the financial barriers that loomed large, hope flickered anew when the doctor prescribed a cochlear implant as the beacon to illuminate Urwa's silent path.

Under the skilled hands of Dr. Maqbool at GIMS Hospital, Gambat, Urwa's journey toward auditory restoration commenced on January 10, 2024. With deft precision, the surgical team implanted the device that promised to awaken her to the symphony of sound that had long eluded her.

Two days later, Urwa emerged from the hospital, her spirit lifted by the whispers of a world now tinged with the vibrancy of sound. However, her transformation had only just begun. In two short weeks, the external device for her cochlear implant would be installed, marking yet another milestone in her life to gain the auditory skill.

But the melody of Urwa's transformation does not end here. Beyond the surgical intervention lies a series of speech therapies that will enable her to fully embrace the world and seize its myriad opportunities. With each session, she will learn the skills of effective conversation, unlocking the doors to a world rich with possibility and connection.

To Transparent Hands and the generous donors who paved the way for Urwa's metamorphosis, her family extends their heartfelt gratitude. In their collective generosity lies the promise of a brighter future, where Urwa's dreams can flourish amidst the symphony of sound that now surrounds her.

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