Abida has recovered from her hernia

Abida has recovered from her hernia

Abida Parveen

Abida Parveen's Story

Abida Parveen, 44 years of age, suffered from extreme pain due to a lump in her umbilical region. After the checkup, she was diagnosed with a paraumbilical hernia and was advised a mesh hernioplasty. Her surgery was done on 27-11-2020 by Dr. Ahmad Fawad at Lahore Care Hospital, Lahore. A mesh patch was sewn after repair of the hernia defect. She remained admitted in the hospital for four days after her surgery and was discharged in a satisfactory condition.

 TK World Group

Donated: $ 517.54


Donated: $ 221.14

Total Funds

$ 738.68

Funds Raised

$ 738.68
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 738.68 Raised

Successfully Operated

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