Rafia is doing great after getting rid of her painful gallbladder
Rafia Atah's Story
Rafia Atah approached Transparent Hands on 11th August 2014 and was registered for gallstones removal treatment at Zainab Memorial Hospital. She had an appointment with Dr. Shehzad Alam, a skilled surgeon who offered laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, a safe and reliable procedure to remove the gallbladder stones from the body, before they enter the bile duct. Rafia was admitted in Zainab Memorial Hospital on 13th August and discharged the next day. She felt relaxed and cheerful when she was met the next day after the surgery. “I do feel much pain like before. The doctor suggested I need to rest for some days before continuing my chores at home. I am so thankful that I relied on you instead of going to a government hospital.” Rafia has been recalled for removal of stitches and a progress checkup after the surgery. We hope to meet her tomorrow!
Qasim Mueen
Donated: $ 604.31
Zigron Inc
Donated: $ 10.04