Yashfeen’s Heart Surgery was Successful
Yashfeen Shafiq's Story
Seven-year-old Yashfeen Shafiq, a resident of Azad Kashmir, had been suffering from dyspnea, cyanosis, and episodes of chest discomfort since birth. Her parents took her to the hospital. After running some diagnostic tests, the cardiologist diagnosed her with multiple heart defects, including dextrocardia, situs inversus, and tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). The cardiac surgeon advised her to undergo Open-Heart surgery for VSD closure and RVOTO resection. Her father cannot afford to pay for this costly cardiac surgery. He reached out to Transparent Hands for help. After the case registration, she was admitted to Ittefaq Hospital, Lahore, where her operation was performed by Dr. Asim Khan on 4-02-2023. She was discharged from the hospital after an eight-day stay.
The surgery became possible due to the support of the PCHF (Pakistan Children’s Heart Foundation) and the contributions from donors like yourself. She is in stable condition now. Her family expressed their deepest gratitude to the donors whose contributions made Yashfeen’s surgery possible. Without your support, it would not have been possible to restore her heart’s health. Donate Now to help the needy like Yashfeen.
Donated: $ 2,126.59
Donated: $ 1,543.02
Qamar Bashir
Donated: $ 5
Donated: $ 0.09