Your donations have helped Saleema Bibi recover completely

Your donations have helped Saleema Bibi recover completely

Saleema Bibi

Saleema Bibi's Story

Saleema Bibi, 65 years old, presented with lower abdominal pain due to uterovaginal prolapse. She was advised vaginal hysterectomy. Her surgery was done on 04-06-20 at Abid Hospital, Mian Channu, by Dr. Sadaf Aqeel. She remained admitted for 3 days and was discharged in a stable condition.



Donated: $ 366.02


Donated: $ 50

 Hassan Amin

Donated: $ 50


Donated: $ 12.90

 Muhammad Umar

Donated: $ 7.44

 Harris Moazzam

Donated: $ 2.05

 Qirsa Rasheed

Donated: $ 1

Total Funds

$ 489.42

Funds Raised

$ 489.42
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 489.42 Raised

Successfully Operated

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