Top Charity Organizations for Eid-al-Adha Donations in the USA

Top Charity Organizations for Eid-al-Adha Donations in the USA

charity organizations for Eid-al-Adha donations

Eid-al-Adha commemorates the willingness of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to sacrifice his son for Allah (SWT). During this period, Muslims around the world perform Qurbani, the act of sacrificing an animal and distributing the meat among family, friends, and the needy. To earn rewards and blessings during the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah, we can also give Sadaqah, Zakat, and other types of donations. Before you donate, shortlist the best charity organizations for Eid-al-Adha donations in the US to ensure your contributions make a real difference.

Looking for a way to uplift communities with your Dhul Hijjah donation? 

Transparent Hands Foundation US Inc

Transparent Hands is renowned for its innovative approach to raising funds for healthcare. The organization’s online crowdfunding platform allows donors from around the world to help deserving patients. If you’re exploring charity organizations for Eid-al-Adha to ensure your donation makes a lasting impact, Transparent Hands can make the most of your contribution by providing essential surgical and medical care to the underprivileged. During Eid-al-Adha, Transparent Hands offers donors in the US the opportunity to support the life-changing treatments of patients who don’t have access to quality healthcare. The organization also makes it easy for Muslims in the US to give their Qurbani donation online. The Qurbani meat is distributed among families belonging to low-income communities. By contributing to Transparent Hands’ mission, you can spread joy this Eid-al-Adha. 

Are you ready to join us in spreading healing this Eid-al-Adha? 

Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD)

Be sure to include Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD) in your list of charity organizations for Eid-al-Adha because of its extensive humanitarian efforts across the globe. During Eid-al-Adha, HHRD facilitates Qurbani donations that are used to provide meat to underprivileged families across various regions. They ensure that quality meat reaches those who need it most, especially those living in remote areas where poverty is widespread. They also focus on emergency relief, education, nutrition, and skills development. By contributing to HHRD, donors can directly impact the lives of thousands.

The Significance of Hajj in Islam

Penny Appeal USA

Consider Penny Appeal USA for your Eid-al-Adha donations in the US to bring about lasting change for communities in need and break the cycle of poverty in underprivileged communities. Their unique approach during Eid-al-Adha includes not only traditional Qurbani meat distribution but also support for long-term projects that address the root causes of poverty. Donations to Penny Appeal during this period support various initiatives, including water projects, orphan care, and emergency food relief. Their transparent handling of funds and detailed reporting allows donors to see the tangible impacts of their contributions.

Zakat Foundation of America

The Zakat Foundation of America helps the needy and poor through multiple initiatives. They can change lives with your Eid-al-Adha donations in the US. They ensure that your Qurbani donation reaches people in the most impoverished areas around the world, even in countries stricken by poverty and conflict. Their Qurbani donation initiative has helped over 300,000 people in more than 40 countries. Those who donate to the Zakat Foundation of America know how and where their contributions are being used.

How to prepare for Eid al Adha?

Mercy-USA for Aid and Development

Mercy-USA for Aid and Development stands out for its commitment to improving lives globally. During Eid-al-Adha, Mercy-USA organizes Qurbani donations that not only feed the needy but also contribute to nutrition programs. Some of their initiatives also involve providing essential vitamins and supplements to vulnerable populations, particularly focusing on mothers and children to combat malnutrition. Their approach ensures that Eid-al-Adha donations in the US make a lasting impact on impoverished communities.

The Significance of Qurbani in Islamic Faith

Life for Relief and Development

If you are selecting charity organizations for Eid-al-Adha, be sure to consider Life for Relief and Development due to their multifaceted approach to alleviating human suffering worldwide. From education to food security and access to clean water, the organization has rolled out various initiatives. Their Eid-al-Adha programs are focused on providing Qurbani meat to the most vulnerable and deserving communities, including those who have been affected by conflicts and natural disasters. The organization’s efforts make it possible for many families to celebrate Eid, despite their hardships. Donating to Life for Relief and Development during Eid-al-Adha helps support these essential programs, bringing a sense of normalcy to some of the world’s most challenging environments.

Karam Foundation

Meaning generosity in Arabic, Karam Foundation is living up to its name by building a better future for Syrians. If the cause of restoring lives in Syria is close to your heart, then the Karam Foundation should be among your top picks when selecting charity organizations for Eid-al-Adha. With your support, they can continue their education and development programs for Syrian refugee children. This strategy allows donors to contribute towards immediate relief and long-term empowerment, ensuring that the youth have the tools to rebuild their lives. 

United Muslim Relief (UMR)

UMR undertakes comprehensive humanitarian efforts that range from emergency relief to development projects. Whether you want to support orphans or help people in conflict-affected regions like Palestine, be sure to add UMR to your list of charity organizations for Eid-al-Adha. Contributions to UMR help provide basic necessities like food, water, and healthcare to families across multiple continents.

How to Select the Right Charity Organizations for Eid-al-Adha?

When selecting charity organizations for Eid-al-Adha donations in the US, it’s crucial to consider factors like transparency, impact, and alignment with your personal values. Donors should research each organization’s track record, review financial disclosures, and seek out reviews or testimonials from other donors. Tools like Charity Navigator can provide insights into a charity’s operations and effectiveness, ensuring that your donations are going to a reputable and efficient organization.


By choosing to support any of these charity organizations for Eid-al-Adha donations in the US, you are ensuring that your contribution changes lives and uplifts communities. Whether your focus is on local initiatives or global impact, the right charity can make the most of your donation. This Eid, take the opportunity to change lives and secure futures by selecting a partner that aligns with your vision for a better world.

This comprehensive look at top charity organizations for Eid-al-Adha donations in the US provides a variety of options for ensuring your contributions make a significant and meaningful impact. Each organization offers a unique approach

Do you want to help the needy and poor with your Qurbani donation? 

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