Aid Abdullah Lashari’s Ureterolithotomy

Aid Abdullah Lashari’s Ureterolithotomy

Zakat Eligible Abdullah Lashari
100% Complete (success)
$ 607.61 Required
$ 607.61 Raised
0 Remaining

Abdullah Lashari's Story

Aid Abdullah Lashari’s Ureterolithotomy. Before you dwell on the painful details of Abdullah Lashari, know that your small contributions can make big changes in his life. Therefore, we request you to please donate and take your part.

Abdullah Lashari, aged 50, a resident of Tando Allahyar has been suffering from right kidney pain for the last twenty years. He was prescribed symptomatic treatment and it was working fine till the pain got worse and it was unbearable for him. He went for consultation, after the diagnosis, the doctor advised him to go for a Ureterolithotomy. Ureterolithotomy refers to the surgical removal of a stone from the ureter

Abdullah lives with his family in a small village. He has eight children. Abdullah works as a daily wager and it is very difficult for him to make both ends meet. He is the only breadwinner in the family. He has no financial support from anyone. If he is not cured as soon as possible, it will become very difficult for Abdullah and his family and they will be deprived of their basic necessities. Abdullah shared his distress with Transparent Hands in the following manner:

“I am the only one taking care of my family. If I am not healthy enough to earn for them, they will starve and won’t survive. We live in a very small village with minimal ways and opportunities to earn. I cannot afford to lose my job and due to this pain, I am unable to work. Please help.”

Luckily, Now that Abdullah has been connected with Transparent Hands, we have promised to help him and relieve him of his pain. But,  any of this will not be possible without your constant support and generous donations. Please aid Abdullah Lashari’s Ureterolithotomy and help him live healthy again.

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Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Adil Choudhary

Donated: $ 300

 Taha Siddiqui

Donated: $ 222.50

 faisal masud

Donated: $ 50

 Gasser Rezeika

Donated: $ 20

 Chris Anderson

Donated: $ 4

 Sumbul Mukhtar

Donated: $ 2.84


Donated: $ 2

 Chris TayZa

Donated: $ 2

 Haseeb Mansoor

Donated: $ 2


Donated: $ 2

 Qirsa Rasheed

Donated: $ 0.27

Abdullah Lashari's Story

Abdullah Lashari, a fifty-year-old resident of Tando Allahyar, had been enduring pain while passing urine. Abdullah has a condition of recurrent gallstones. He has had his stones removed many times previously, but for some reason, the stones recur. Upon consultation, Abdullah was diagnosed with symptomatic gallstones and was advised to undergo a Ureterolithotomy. He was sent to ISRA University Hospital Hyderabad to get his surgery done by Dr. Rajab Ali on 07-12-2021. Abdullah’s procedure went well and he was discharged the following day in satisfactory condition. Abdullah is now recovering well.

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