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Explore our blog for healthcare tips, insightful articles, and other meaningful resources on charity, online crowdfunding, top NGOs, and many other topics you care about.

Importance of Charity in Islam

The Importance of Charity in Islam

Not only Islam, but also every religion of the world preaches about charity. Charity is a way to bring justice in society, among poor and the riches. As justice is the core of any religion,

Donation Is All About Helping Yourself

Donation Is All About Helping Yourself

Recent researches have shown that volunteer and charity activities have seen a boom and a lot of positive response of people from all parts of the globe. But this increase does not mean that we must keep ourselves away from charity activities.

Crowdfunding Sites- A Way to Safe Lives! - TH

Crowdfunding Sites – A Way to Save Lives!

The way one reaches out the other to help live a better, healthier and safer life, restore our faith in humanity. There are a number of organizations that are working to serve social causes and help people in a better way.

Top 3 Heart Surgery Funding Organizations in Pakistan

Top 3 Heart Surgery Funding Organizations in Pakistan

Medically known as cardiac or cardiovascular surgery and in the most common context called as heart surgery, is the process that deals with the heart alignment to treat the complication of any kind of processing of the heart.

List of Government Hospitals in Pakistan

List of Government Hospitals in Pakistan

Excellent health care facilities are being provided in all the major and minor areas of Pakistan but there is still a long mile to go. Here is the list of Government hospitals in Pakistan.

How to Claim Tax Credits - transparenthands

How to Claim Tax Credits

We have been talking about tax credits the tips and tricks and where to donate and where not, to deal with the tax benefits provided by the governments on your donated amounts. However here we will review something ahead of these tips and tricks list.

Top 6 Global Athletes Who Generously Donate to Charity

At times, where we know very few of the celebrities are into donations and such activities, but the athletes are really well known for their donations and charities. At times there are some who just stick to their teams, grounds, play courts etc. and are away from the limelight, there are many who feel happy to be a part of social activities.

Top 3 Charity Donor Showbiz Celebrities

In the most general context, what we assume about celebrities is that they are kinds rich and tend to spend their earning on buying themselves expensive stuff including vehicles, beach houses, designers wear and other stuff that can make them live a luxury life.